ctools 模块提供了views panes 功能

Views panes expose views so they may be added to panels. Panels will automatically detect block views without this module; however, page and embedded views will not be selectable from Panels by default. If you enable the Views panes module, you may expose individual views to Panels. The Legacy views panes module will simply expose all views, so that you may add them in any panel. Both modules provide options for customization of the views' settings on a per-Panel basis. This is useful if you have multiple administrators or want to use panels for something other than just panel pages

这段说明中讲的很明白,默认情况下,panels 2只能检测到block views ,而不能检测到page view或embedded views,只有通过views panes 才能使用这些views, 但是这个情况在panels 3中已经改变了,
panels 3 中在 "views" 选项中已经可以列出所有views. 不知道现在使用view pane还有什么用?

另外,view panes 在嵌入panels后,如何从panels中获取参数? 在argument input 选项中 from panels,
然后选择 first, second等。
这里有点迷惑?如果选择from panels,那么在panels中,是否应该设置哪些参数能传给view.